Eurobike 2022 - DEKRA competition
Participate and win!

Eurobike 2022 - DEKRA competition

Win a EUR 500.00 voucher for a high-quality bike tour.

Competition question

What is your estimate of the damage to the bicycle displayed at the DEKRA stand?

Terms and Conditions
§ 1 General
Participation in the competition organized by DEKRA Automobil GmbH, with its registered office in Stuttgart, entered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Stuttgart under HRB 21039 (hereinafter referred to as "the organizer"), is only possible with the inclusion of these conditions.
§ 2 Participation requirements
Participants may be any natural or capable person with a minimum age of 18 who has completed and submitted the competition form. Participation is not dependent on the purchase of a good or use of a service. Employees of the organizer, its affiliates and members of the aforementioned groups are excluded from participation. Participation can be revoked at any time at Each participant may participate in the competition several times. However, only one win is possible per participant.
§ 3 Start and end of the competition
The competition starts on 07/13/22 at 09.00h (CET). The deadline for participation is 07/17/22 at 18.00h (CET). Participation is only possible within this time limit stated in the competition description. There is no right of appeal.
§ 4 Competition, prize, how to participate and manner of prize distribution
The prize consists of 1 x 1 voucher in the amount of Euro 500 for a bike tour. A change or cash payment of the prize is excluded.
One voucher is raffled off to one winner. The prize draw will be made no later than 07/29/22
A change or cash payment of the prize is excluded.
§ 5 Selection procedure and notification of the winner
The winners will be selected at random. However, only one win is possible per participant. There is no right of appeal.
The winners will be informed by the organizer by email no later than 08/15/22. By submitting the competition form, the participant agrees to this contact. The participant is aware that this consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future. If the winner does not respond to this prize message by 08/29/22, 23.00h, the claim to the prize will be forfeited.
§ 6 Obligations of the participant
When participating in the competition, the participant must not
a. violate morality and applicable law with their usage behavior (in particular, no insults or false factual claims may be included);
b. infringe industrial property rights, copyrights or other property rights;
c. transmit content with viruses, Trojan horses or other programs that may damage software;
d. enter, store or send hyperlinks or content to which they are not authorized, in particular if such hyperlinks or content violates confidentiality obligations or is illegal; or
e. spread advertising or incorrect warnings of viruses, malfunctions and the like or request participation in lotteries, snowball systems, chain letters, pyramid games and similar actions.
§ 7 Liability and exemption
The liability of the organizer is excluded, unless liability is compulsory, e.g. under the Product Liability Actdue to intent, gross negligence, due to injury to life, body or health, due to the assumption of a quality guarantee, due to fraudulent concealment of a defect or due to the violation of essential contractual obligations. However, compensation for damages due to violation of essential contractual obligations is limited to the contractually typical, foreseeable damage, unless there is intent or gross negligence. In particular, the organizer shall not be liable for the security and the existence of data communication which is conducted via third-party communication networks. Likewise, the organizer is not liable for faults in the data transmission which arise due to technical faults or configuration problems on the part of the participants. In particular, the organizer shall not be liable under this condition for damages resulting from the impairment of the availability of the competition page in case of technical disturbances and events of force majeure which cannot be influenced. However, the organizer will make every effort to ensure the reliability and functionality of the competition page. Furthermore, the organizer does not guarantee that the competition platform Instagram functions properly on the respective participant terminal.
Finally, the organizer is not liable for a violation of the rights of third parties by the participant(s), in particular in case of a violation of the obligations of the participant according to § 6. In this case, the participant shall release the organizer and Instagram from all third-party claims on first demand.
In the event of a violation of these terms and conditions, the organizer also reserves the right to exclude the participant from the competition. In these cases, prizes can also be subsequently withdrawn and reclaimed.
Insofar as the liability of the organizer is excluded or limited in accordance with the regulations of this disclaimer, this also applies to the personal liability of organs, employees, representatives and vicarious agents of the organizer.
§ 8 Data protection and consent to the data processing for the performance of the competition, the prize notification and the prize distribution
The organizer observes all data protection regulations within the scope of the competition. The organizer will not forward any personal data to third parties or sell address data. The organizer stores the personal data of the respective participants exclusively for the purpose of the competition. The participant hereby expressly declares his/her consent to the storage and use of the personal data communicated for the purpose of the performance of the competition, the notification of the prize and the distribution of the prize (in the case of a prize, an address for sending the prize is additionally required). The participant is aware that this consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.
§ 9 Severability clause
Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be ineffective or should a loophole exist, this does not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions. The invalid or missing provisions are replaced by a provision which comes closest to the purpose of the contract and the legal provisions.
§ 10 Place of jurisdiction / applicable law
In the event of disputes, German law shall apply exclusively. As far as legally permissible, the organizer's registered office is agreed as the place of jurisdiction. If the participant does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany, or moves his/her residence abroad after participation, the organizer's registered office is also agreed as the place of jurisdiction.
§ 11 Reservation of right of modification
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the competition at any time without prior notice for important reasons. In the event of a cancelation of the competition for important reasons, the organizer will inform the participants immediately. Cancelation for important reasons may occur in particular if proper execution of the competition can no longer be guaranteed for technical reasons. The organizer does not assume any liability for lost chances of winning due to technical connection problems or the like. A cancelation does not affect the claim of already determined winners.
The organizer may also change or supplement these terms and conditions of participation and the performance of the competition at any time, within the scope of the legal provisions. In the event of such changes, participants will receive a notice requesting their consent. In the event of an objection, the competition can be ended immediately by both sides.
The organizer is then entitled and obliged to delete the personal data of the participants without delay and to delete any comment on the competition by the participant without delay.
§ 12 Contact
If you have any questions regarding the performance of this competition and the processing and use of personal data, please contact: online​.automobil@​dekra​.com